Drilling of Pasture, Forage Crops & Cereals
“Pasture Renovation is a key component of any farming system.”
We can offer a range of drilling options, from Direct Drilling to Cultivation Drilling to Roller Drilling.
We are also able to drill a wide range of crops into your paddocks.
Depth and seed placement is equally important whether planting or drilling. Our range of seed drills enables us to accurately drill all agricultural crops into the seed bed ranging from fully cultivated to no till environments.
We have, X2 John Deere direct drills, a Mag Secura Direct Drill, a Bednar Omega Cultivation Drill, a Amazon Power harrow Drill, a veredo direct drill, and Titan double roller drill. Some of our drills housing capabilities to apply fertiliser simultaneously, otherwise we have a range of fertiliser options for after drilling.
Our Drills are great options for re-grassing after any crop, with their capability for a light cultivation before placing the seed, you can be confident that they will leave a nice level finish to your pasture.
The John Deere 6” Direct Drills are well suited for under sowing in autumn or drilling herb and brassica crops in spring. The ability to place Slug bait and Fertiliser with the seed, helps provide a safe environment for the seed to germinate.