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Crop Spraying

“John Austin Ltd have a number of different options when it comes to spraying the right chemicals quickly and efficiently onto your land.”

These include three 18m Wide Amazon Spray machines fitted to two JCB Fastracs and a John Deere 6130 with duals all around.

Every Spray Unit is GPS controlled with Section control, so overspray is avoided, saving money in chemical costs and reducing damage to sensitive crops.

We also use Auto-Trac guidance in all sprayers, making our chemical application precise and efficient.

We have Row-Crop tyres set-up for spraying specialist crops (cereals, brassicas, fodder beet), and coupled with our GPS system we can follow the same lines with every application, reducing damage and encouraging even crop growth and development.

We also have precise strip spraying units available which is particularly useful for strip tillage procedures if the goal is to avoid as much unnecessary interruption to the soil as possible.

John Austin Ltd is also able to supply a wide range of chemical and fertiliser products at competitive prices, saving the hassle of having part opened containers around the shed that may never get used again.