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Agronomy Support

"We are committed to Agricultural and Environmental Stewardship"

We wouldn’t be able to do what we love without a healthy environment.

The structure, healthy ecosystem and integrity of the soils we have charge over is of critical importance. Ensuring we feed the ground with the right nutrients, treat it with care and precision is a priority. We are committed to keeping our gorgeous New Zealand clean and green and maintaining clean waterways.

As specialists in growing maize and producing silage for nearly 45 years, it is important to stay knowledgeable, proactive and ahead of any potential concerns relating to the health of our environment and crops.

Regular soil and crop sampling tests can be taken to ensure we are adjusting our applications as required to meet needs.

We aim to produce the highest quality, yields and rewards from the land; while ensuring we leave the ground better than we found it.

“We desire to be leaders in our field - professional, resourceful, pioneering and educational to benefit generations to come.”

We have an in-house Agronomist keeping a ready eye on our blocks, offering advice to our farmers and staff as we progress through the seasons.

John Austin Ltd is proud to be increasing our usage of strip tillage and strip spraying systems for its environmental benefits. These systems cause minimal disturbance to soil structure, maintaining soil integrity and minimizing any runoff or soil erosion. Read more about this process here

“It’s our pleasure to answer any questions you might have about Agriculture & maize. Get in touch with our friendly team here"

We regularly post tips and tricks from our agronomy team on our monthly newsletter: sign up to not miss out: